
Dans la joie et dans la bonne humeur


Dans la joie et dans la bonne humeur

Cie La distillerie


Location: Théâtre de l'Opprimé

This is the story of Bruno, HR director in a successful company, where profits accumulate while life gradually unravels. His relationship is faltering, his mother is slowly fading away, and his stomach is in knots. The company, indifferent, continues on its path, laying off employees and crushing the weakest. And life goes on... for some.

Scenic Space
At the center of the stage stands a silhouette of a house, a symbol of a reassuring home and intimacy. But this house gradually fragments. Behind its facade, other elements are revealed, literally extracted from the facade throughout the play, each manipulation leaving an irreversible void. Gradually, the house disintegrates, leaving only a bare skeleton, stripped of its meaning.

The removed elements are stylized volumes forming the furniture of the house—desk, chairs—modulated according to the scene. Intimacy is thus exposed, an inner world laid bare for all to see.

Distribution: Directed by Laura Couturier / Assistant director Pauline Laulhe / Featuring Alice Benoist d’Etiveaud, Nejma Ben Amor, Guillaume Giraud, Agata Rabiller, Vincent Paillier / Set design: Marta Pasquetti and Federica Buffoli / Decorations: Jean-Jacques Legros and Jean-Claude Couturier / Costumes: Esther Krier / Lighting: Benoît Biou / Sound: Antoine Gilloire

Partners: La Distillerie, Spedidam, ADAMI (support for audiovisual recording), RAVIV, the City of Paris, Centre des Amandiers, and Théâtre de l’Opprimé.