



Cie Jours dansants

Scenographer / Builder

Location: Festival d'Avignon Off; MAL de Laon.

Ghazal tells me:

"I don’t want to talk about exile.
No one can understand exile unless you have experienced it.
You cannot know what it feels like to carry your memories and your past with you all the time.
You start over from scratch, as if you were just born

Scenographic Space

The choice has been made to create a dramaturgy of space primarily linked to the concepts of inside and outside. The interior space becomes a collective place of intimacy, where multiple individualities converge to weave a single narrative. The exterior space can represent a tangible outside – war, the street, the squares of revolution – but also the beyond, the space of memory, the imaginary, and the possible. A fragment of wall, a corner of a house, evokes what was once a lived home. This fragment symbolizes both what remains and a starting point for reconstruction. It becomes a mobile boundary between the inside and the outside. Through a movement akin to the fluttering of a butterfly's wing, the wall opens the space to the gaze, inviting the spectator to enter the intimacy of the characters or to close off the space, thereby creating an impenetrable boundary between the spectator and what unfolds behind the wall.

Distribution: Choreography, writing: Marjory Duprés / Featuring: Nelly Pulciani, Dalia Naous, Mahmoud El Haddad / Documentary direction: Tiffany Duprés / Dramaturgical perspective: Sarah Di Bella / Music: Guillaume Léglise / Lighting, technical direction: Manuel Desfeux / Scenography and construction: Marta Pasquetti / Costumes: Marion Xardel / Video: Nicolas Comte.

Parterships: M.A.L de Laon, CCN de Roubaix - l’Atelier des Artistes en Exil, l’Atelier de Paris CDCN, le TAG Théâtre, Théâtre Ouvert - Centre national des dramaturgies contemporaines, La Manekine - Scène Intermédiaire des Hauts de France, la DRAC Hauts-de-France et la Région Hauts-de-France, le Théâtre Massenet, le festival Syrien n’est fait, le 104, la Briqueterie CDCN.