
Vilains #2


Vilains #2

Cie Halte Garderie

Set designer

Location: La Villette

Children, both small and large, have you never felt out of place? Different, to the point of being unhappy? Inspired by Andersen's famous fable, Vilains #2 is an electro-pop danced tale, a story of difference, pain, courage, and joy. It is the tale of those who are mocked, whose hair is pulled, when they have it. A story that celebrates the uniqueness of each individual.

The stage space evokes a pond, a broken mirror that reflects our images and those that others have of us in a thousand shards. In this aquatic space defined by a square of light, the reflections of the performers multiply on the ground, creating fragments that enrich the stage space and the dance.

Distribution: Choreography: Johan Amselem / Featuring: Antonin Chediny, Dorothée Goxe, Clémence Pavageau, Paolo Provenzano, Jason Rodanet
LSF Actress: Sabrina Dalleau / Original Music and Voice: Marylène Kert, Cyril Piquemal /Scenography: Marta Pasquetti, Barthélémy Antoine-Loeff /Costumes: Thotor and Neness / Lighting Creation & Technical Direction: Nicolas Pigounides / Video: Julien Quentin / Sound: Guillaume Landrieu

Partnerships: La Fondation de France, L’Aide à la création artistique de la Ville de Paris, SPEDIDAM, Le Grand Parquet, Le Silo, Mairie du 4e – Paris, Mains d’Oeuvres, Collectif Culture Essonne, International Visual Theater.