
Roi et reine


Roi et reine

Cie Libre Parole

Scenographer / Builder

Location: Anis Gras (Fr); TDB ( FR)

Straight out of a poem by Rimbaud, Daniel and Nora find themselves on the street. They begin their spiel in front of us when suddenly everything turns upside down...

"One beautiful morning, in a very gentle people, a magnificent man and woman shouted in the public square: - My friends, I want her to be queen! - I want to be queen. She laughed and trembled. They spoke to friends of revelation, of trials completed..." Rimbaud, Royaute.

Scenic Space
We relive the story of this couple as a journey backward in time, a Stations of the Cross towards their present. They embody the example of what not to do. The scenography offers them a place, a space to express themselves and guide us through the path of their memory. Inspired by the analogy between theater and life on the street, this text emphasizes our return to the origins of theater.

A wooden platform becomes the first space of speech but also a symbol of power. The verticality, the difference in levels, and the steps evoke familiar images, symbols of temporal and spiritual power, while creating a space conducive to movement.

From a rigging, a brown velvet fabric slowly unfolds throughout the performance. Elegant yet dark, it recalls the color of blankets distributed to the homeless. This fabric serves as a support for a video projection, a panorama of faces and performers transformed by time and events. It becomes both a covering for winter and royal drapery, symbolizing the duality of existence between dignity and precariousness.

Distribution: Text and direction: Christophe Casamance / With: Bruno Coulon and Fatima Soualhia Manet / Scenography: Marta Pasquetti / Lighting design: Flore Marvaux / Sound design: François Duguest / Video: David Fitt.