


Installation / Land Art

Location: Festival Dedale ( FR)

This artwork navigates the tension between two realms: on one side, the concept of "place," rooted in a specific topography, territory, and culture; on the other, "nowhere," embodying utopia, the otherness, and that which does not exist. “The place of nowhere” also incorporates the notion of movement, of transport towards this familiar elsewhere.

The piece endeavors to encapsulate the paradox of these themes by crafting an aesthetic space that is both recognizable and conceptually accessible to the visitor, yet simultaneously imbued with an inherent strangeness. The installation invites visitors to momentarily "inhabit" the sky.

At the end of a corridor, the visitor encounters a door leading to a room enveloped by vegetation. This room exists conceptually, as the door itself is a universally recognized cultural element, its function rooted in the collective consciousness as a passage to another place. Upon entering, the visitor finds themselves standing on a mirror, with another door above them, open to the sky. Thus, the installation defines a space of poetic projection—a device that transports the visitor to nowhere, reflecting the infinite expanse of the sky through the mirror on the ground.

In this halfway point of nowhere, the visitor occupies an imaginary room, with two doors serving as their sole vehicle to navigate this liminal space. The experience becomes a meditation on the interplay between the familiar and the unknown, urging reflection on our perceptions of place, movement, and the vastness of possibility.

Artist.e.s :Marta Pasquetti, Nicolas Atlé